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Career Confidential
Ben Hancock

Ben Hancock

We have that excitement and entrepreneurial spirit, and we also have the resources of CSC to fall back on–like an exceptional human resources department and great benefits.

What’s your title? How long have you been with CSC’s Global Financial Markets (GFM)?

I was promoted to associate director of corporate trust services a little less than a year ago but had been doing similar tasks for the past eight years. I joined CSC in 2010, working on the independent director team and then with the trust operations group, and I’ve been with GFM since I started.

How did you decide to work for CSC?

I went to the University of Delaware, so I was aware of CSC as a local presence. I graduated during the Great Recession with a degree in history and was looking for a position. A cousin in Wisconsin who worked for the company there mentioned CSC was hiring at headquarters in Wilmington. I started my CSC career with the independent director group when it was much smaller than it is now.

What does your typical day look like?

Our team manages a variety of corporate trusts and agency appointments. My responsibility is to oversee and help manage the administration of all our trust accounts from beginning to end of the life of the account. That starts with onboarding new clients and overseeing processes as transactions are performed during the lifetime of the account, through termination and wrapping accounts up. I work with established procedures, and we also develop new procedures and brainstorm ideas for how we can process things more efficiently. We also work through audits and compliance procedures and issues.

What makes your team special?

One of CSC’s corporate values is tenacity–We make informed decisions, take action, and stick with it until the job gets done. We find the best way. In the trust group we embody that value. We trust people to be able to handle their job, to figure out what they need to do, and to get it done. We’ve always been kind of a DIY team, do it yourself. If something pops up, we figure out how to resolve it. As a company in the corporate trust space, we often have to figure out a new way to get things done.

What gets you excited about starting work in the morning?

I like that the team feels a little like a start-up. We’re constantly figuring out something new as we go, brainstorming new ways to get projects done. We have that excitement and entrepreneurial spirit, and we also have the resources of CSC to fall back on–like an exceptional human resources department and great benefits. We’re not just flying by the seat of our pants.

What do you love most about the culture here?

At CSC, we don’t have a showy attitude. People understand the responsibilities of their position, they’re here to do a job, and they do it. We’re team oriented without a lot of corporate politics, no one has to fit into a certain preconceived mold. It’s not pretentious at all. I can bring my authentic self to work and never feel I have to watch what I say or act a certain way. People are genuine at CSC.

What are you learning right now and why is it important?

We’re in the middle of a systems conversion to a new trust accounting software platform. I’m focused on learning the new system, how it works, and being as flexible I can. One of the great things about CSC is that you never stop learning. It puts individuals and the organization in a better position for tomorrow.

Do you have interests outside of work that tie into your work at CSC?

I’ve always enjoyed staying up on current affairs and global politics, and it’s fascinating to see how current affairs affect our business. We’re regulated entities, we’re under OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) requirements, we have anti-money laundering and other policies we must adhere to. There are times when current affairs and global events directly influence what I do in my job, and I’ve always found that fascinating.

What advice would you give someone wanting to join CSC or your team?

Don’t be fooled by how tedious our business may sound on the surface! What we do here at CSC is a lot of fascinating stuff when you dig deeper into a project. There are mundane things we do day-to-day. Sometimes when I try to explain what we do peoples’ eyes glaze over. But once you get involved with something like a bankruptcy and all the specific details it’s far more intriguing. You find out about the company, how it ended up in a particular situation, you have insight into the current values and company assets, how the company is structured. Learning the details makes an account much more interesting.

Do you have additional insights about CSC you would like to share?

At an orientation a senior executive was speaking and noted that you’re not going to see CSC mentioned in the pages of the Wall Street Journal. But, if you could look behind all the business stories in the Wall Street Journal, we’re tied into so many aspects, part of many of the deals. You’re probably not going to see our story in the WSJ, but we are behind the stories every day. We really are the business behind business.

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