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Career Confidential
Calvin Holtmeyer

Calvin Holtmeyer

The work environment is phenomenal. Everyone is so helpful.

What’s your official title and how long have you been with CSC?

I’m a desktop support engineer and have been with CSC for a little more than four years. I started as an associate desktop engineer intern back in 2018. A few months after the internship ended, my supervisor offered me a contractor position, which I accepted. As that was ending, CSC offered me a full-time position, and I accepted. I’ve been with the company ever since. It’s been phenomenal working for CSC.

Give us a little insight into your role and what you do.

We ensure that CSC employees can do their job in the office and at home. I’m level 2 desktop support, so we help when someone has issues with their device or equipment. We also provide additional support for equipment for those working from home.

When employees transitioned to working remotely during COVID, our team had to ensure everyone had the needed equipment. We put together step-by-step instructions on accessing their devices and the network using VPNs. Though the transition was smooth for some, others found it more difficult. We would then verbally or visually walk these employees through the process, ensuring they were comfortable with everything.

How did you get into tech?

Before CSC, I served in the U.S. Air Force, working in transportation logistics. I was on active duty for 14 years, stationed in Alaska, Idaho, South Korea, and Italy. When I got out, I transitioned into the Delaware Air National Guard for a few years. At the same time, I started taking classes full-time at Wilmington University, studying computer networking and security.

My whole military career was logistics and driving tractor-trailers, forklifts, and just about anything else with wheels. My job was to get equipment and personnel from point A to point B safely and efficiently. I’d been doing that for more than 16 years. It was definitely time for a change, and I had always been interested in tech, so I figured I’d give it a try. I was looking for something challenging. I met with my academic adviser, and we talked about the different paths I could take. She also explained that there were internship opportunities as well.

Why did you choose to work at CSC?

When the internship came up, I did a lot of research about CSC. I saw that they were voted a Top Workplace. So when I got there for the interview and saw the headquarters building, I was impressed. The people I interviewed with were great, and they made me feel at home.

What do you love most about the culture at CSC?

The work environment is phenomenal. Everyone is so helpful. My team isn’t that big; whenever someone needs something, we help each other. I was really green when I got on the team and asked a lot of questions because I didn’t want to mess something up. I remember when I was ready to submit something; I’d always get a second opinion just to be safe. I didn’t want to be “the new guy” that broke something.

All in all, we’re a very close team, which reminds me of working with a squad when deployed. The camaraderie was something that I longed for after getting out of the military. Being on this team was the next best thing.

What gets you excited to start work in the morning?

My team—I look forward to interacting with them. We all know each other and each other’s likes and dislikes. Of course, we tease each other and have fun, but the team interaction is amazing. Everyone is engaged, and the camaraderie gets me going.

What are you learning now and why is it important?

I’m learning more about the Mac environment. I never really used Macs and the iOS operating system. But now, I can get involved and become more confident with the platform. I’m learning the technical aspect of it and how to do certain things. I’ve always been a Windows guy, and that’s what I’m accustomed to. So it’s a new challenge, and it’s intriguing. When I work on something I don’t know, I dive right into it.

When you tell people about your job, what surprises them?

All my friends from the military are doing something different from what they did in the service. When I tell them about my job, everyone suddenly wants me to help them with their computer. When I explain what I do, working on computer hardware and components while loading software and configuring programs, they say, “Wow, I didn’t take you as an IT guy.” I’d tell them, “Yeah, I didn’t either. I just chose this field and ran with it.”

How’s the work-life balance?

I’m not dead tired when I’m done work for the day. I always find time for family and doing things I want to do. My leader is really understanding as well. If I have appointments or something like that, we can always find someone to cover for me.

What opportunities do you see developing in the industry in the next few years?

Information security will get so much more significant in the next few years. For example, Ransomware is a big issue because people always click and open email links. People are curious—it’s just human nature.

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